Ion Cleanse Footbath

Ion Cleanse Footbath

Ion Cleanse Footbath

The IonCleanse® foot bath has the ability to switch from a positive polarity  to a negative polarity.
The patented array configuration is the only one of its kind to produce both positive and negative ions in the water.  No other unit on the market offers this feature.

 The Ion Cleanse® creates precisely the same environment as the walk along the beach, only more powerfully because your feet are in direct contact with the ions being manufactured in the water.

 A water molecule is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. When the molecule loses a hydrogen atom, the remaining OH molecule takes on a negative charge. As you walk along the beach, your body absorbs millions of these negatively charged ions. The particles, fat, and mucous residues found in the water after bathing reflect the wastes that have left the body during the 20 to 30 minute session. Your body will feel lighter after the first session and may enjoy a greater sense of well-being.

How the IonCleanse® Works

 AC electricity is converted to low power DC electricity which flows through a patented electrode system that sits in the footbath. The electricity and the metal combine to split the water molecule into H+ and OH- ions. These ions travel through the body, neutralize oppositely charged particles and through powerful osmotic pressure pull those neutralized particles out of the body through whatever skin surface is in contact with the water.

An ion is a charged atom that has gained or lost an electron which creates a magnetic field capable of attaching to and neutralizing oppositely charged particles. These neutralized particles are extracted from the body through the process called osmosis. Osmosis is a scientific term that is used to describe the movement of particles through a membrane from an area of lower concentration to an area of higher concentration. In this case, the higher concentration refers to the ion field that is set up by placing the array into the water while running the unit.

The array is placed into the water alongside the hands, feet, or body while the power supply delivers a low level direct current to the array. This causes the metals within the array in combination with water and salt to generate positively and negatively charged ions by separating oxygen and hydrogen in the water.  The practitioner determines the polarity setting through the use of litmus paper (pH strips) or muscle testing.  The long-term effectiveness of the IonCleanse® cleansing process depends on other life-enhancing changes a person is willing to make.

 Today our toxic exposure is at an all time high

Toxins come from: Our foods are sprayed with pesticides, our water has chlorine and flouride the air we breathe is polluted, our cleaning supplies, soaps, shampoos and detergents are loaded with chemicals and many have sodium laurel sulfate and is know to cause cancer. Our mercury fillings, lead, arsenic, aluminum, vaccinations that are given to us by the doctors and then he have our household adhesives, paints and other home products like plastic used in the microwave, tobacco, drugs and more all contribute to more toxins in our bodies that lead to  disease, allergies, mental incapacitation with side effects like swelling, rashes, insomnia, headaches, fatigue and pain.

"The EPA reports that in 2002 24,379 US facilities released 4.7 billion pounds of toxins into the atmosphere. 72 million pounds were known carcinogens. Depending on your size you inhale 3,000 to 8,000 gallons of air each day."

 Eliminating toxins is the first step in giving the body a chance to heal itself.  Cleansing and detoxification is fundamental to any health building program.

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